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500:229 500:377 450:450 245:450 500:253 242:450 400:450 427:450 235:450 412:450 356:450 313:450 363:450 500:474 396:450 500:375 338:450 500:375 338:450 500:375 438:450 267:450 433:450 304:450 286:450 266:450 445:450 322:450 366:450 396:450 380:450 387:450 427:450 280:450 500:420 411:450 243:450 338:450 257:450 500:409 433:450 443:450 345:450 500:429 500:403 362:450 367:450 291:450 338:450 385:450

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